Legal Notice

General Information

Name and Address
Legal disclosure

Stefanie Niemann
Györer Straße 5/87
99089 Erfurt
Mobile: +49 162 9567707
Email: info(at)
Tax ID: 2729/122/41726
According to §19 UStG small business (no Vat applies)

Information in accordance with section 5 TMG:
Responsible for the content according to section 18 paragraph 2 MStV:
Stefanie Niemann
Györer Straße 5/87
99089 Erfurt
Mobile: +49 162 9567707
Email: info(at)
Tax ID: 2729/122/41726
According to §19 UStG small business (no Vat applies)

Responsible author according to section 18 Abs. paragraph MStV ist
Stefanie Niemann
Györer Straße 5/87
99089 Erfurt
Mobile: +49 162 9567707
Email: info(at)
Tax ID: 2729/122/41726
According to §19 UStG small business (no Vat applies)

Data protection officer
Stefanie Niemann
Györer Straße 5/87
99089 Erfurt
Mobile: +49 162 9567707
Email: info(at)
Tax ID: 2729/122/41726
According to §19 UStG small business (no Vat applies)

privataufgenommene Photos

The German version of the following disclosures prevails these legal disclosures:

Privacy Policy
Revocation Service
Revocation goods

Legal Disclosure further:

Data collected when accessing this web site

Everytime you use your web browser to access a website on the internet, it transmits data: Your IP address, your operating system, the browser language, browser type, page accessed, time of the access, the address of the page that links to the page you requested. Please refer to your Browser vendor to find more details about what data is being sent.
Every site access is automatically written to a log file and it contains the information just described. SteffisCloud is hosted at Please see their privacy policy for details.

Data collected when purchasing

The data you enter when purchasing a product (e.g. your name, e-mail address, vat-id etc.) is stored by us. Credit Card numbers or login into Paypal we do not store at all. Please refer to the privacy policy of Stripe and Paypal. We do not have access to these data.

Data collected when contacting customer support

All email messages we receive are kept for further reference to improve our customer service. We use Mail service for emails.

It's your data

If you want to know which personal data we have saved about you, if you want us to delete or change your data, please contact our support at info (at)

Revocation of data processing

Every data processing which required an explicit user-agreement, can be revoked at any time. To do that send a short email to info (at)
Further questions

If you have any further questions, please contact us per email info (at)

Updates to this privacy policy

This policy is reviewed periodically and it is updated accordingly.

Current policy dated 01 January 2023

Additional Information

We are member of the initiative "FairCommerce" sice 29.09.2017. Further information you will find at

Plattform of the European Commission Platform of the EU Commission regarding online dispute resolution:

We are insured by AXA Koblenz Koblenzer Straße 9 53359 Rheinbach

German version prevails the English version